Answering interview questions

Although you cannot be certain which questions will be asked at an interview. Preparation is key to success.

You will need to outline to the employer why you are interested in the role and convince them that you are the best candidate for the job. The way you answer the questions will be a key factor in whether you are able to create a good impression and be offered the job.

Here are examples of questions that are likely to be asked at interview ..

How to answer questions at interview?

Here are some examples to help you answer interview questions

What can you offer that is beneficial to this role?

You will need to speak confidently about your skills and strengths and characteristics that match those outlined in the job description. Practising answering interview questions in advance of an interview is a good idea to give you a better chance of success!

What would you do if you notice you have done a mistake at work?

Although I’m a practical person who uses my own initiative to solve problems. Firstly I would inform my manager to ensure I’m following the correct steps to solve the error. I would also use the mistake as a learning experience to avoid repeating the mistake.

What are your strengths ?

One of my strengths is my ability to multitask and work under pressure and to tight deadlines. For example, I am currently working towards my A Levels and also working part-time at a local store. I believe that my time management skills will enable me to prioritise and succeed in the role of ____________ with your company.

What are my weaknesses?

Sometimes I focus too much on the small details and spend too much time making sure everything is perfect.

I have focussed on making improvements through regular practice and focussing on the tasks at hand. By improving my time management skills I have ensured that the work is completed on time to a high standard without feeling under pressure.

Here are further examples of common interview questions for you to practice in advance.

Common interview questions. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Have you ever had a part-time or holiday job? If so, can you tell me about it and explain your main duties and responsibilities? What would you like to do after leaving school? / where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Can you explain a time where you worked as part of a team? What skills/experiences do you have that make you a suitable candidate for this role? What are your strengths and weaknesses Can you tell me if you have ever been in a position of authority at school or in your social life? What interests do you have outside of school?